Project Log
The aim of the project log is to track project history, observe progress and, most important, easily find out which enhancements were made in the latest application version compared to the previous versions.
June 1, 2011
- temporal plans' verification fixed to be compliant with PDDL 2.1
- new "mutex-containing" action state introduced (if predicates are in conflict)
- durative actions, found non-applicable after the start, revert the state back
- durative actions' "over all" conditions hold within an open interval from now
- several minor bugs fixed
May 9, 2011
- temporal plans' verification finished
- ruler resizable by dragging any of its ticks
- action duration parsed from planning domain file specification
- confirmation dialog for action duration change if not compliant with spec
- automatic ruler units adjustment after initial actions duration change
- instantiate needed operators only (not all possible - grew exponentially)
- "world state change" information retrieval rewritten
Apr 12, 2011
- temporal plans support added:
- parsing input text files
- temporal plans verification (not finished yet)
- saving into text files
- temporal actions' addition, removal, modification, changing order
- plan's actions summary list (on the left)
- ruler scale automatic adjustment (based on median duration of actions)
- "undo"
- automatic strips/temporal plan recognition when loading
- ruler scale-adjusting combo-box (in upper right corner) - both strips/temporal
- strips/temporal visualizer - separate module (deals with plan visualization)
Mar 24, 2011
- "undo" separate program module added
- affected action selected & graph scrolled to action's position after undo/redo
- status bar describes modification made to plan after undo/redo
- toolbar buttons and menu items enabled/disabled reflecting current options
- quit confirmation dialog appears when clicked on application's right top cross
Mar 20, 2011
- save and save as features added for the plan
- save plan confirmation dialog when exit without previous plan saving
- possibility to adjust position of edges disabled
- addition/removal of actions to/from strips plan - code enhancement
- code segments of threads updating the graph synchronized to run serially
Mar 15, 2011
- non-decided action color preference added
- after each change affected actions colored with non-decided action color first
- reverification of the plan after each change of order while doing drag&drop
- precondition and effect actions highlighted while doing drag&drop
- fixed NullPointerException issues during addition of edges into a graph
- order in action addition dialog has a default value: 1
- edges in graph not resizable/bendable
Feb 20, 2011
- support for actions' modifications (by menu, toolbar button or double-click)
- possibility to save plan to a text file (save button and menu item added)
- vertex label size adjusted to vertex width (if vertex width/fonts changed)
- file chooser persists directory for all domain, problem and plan files
- actions' tooltips notify if actions are invalid or not applicable
- change of mechanism how colors for graph components are set
- ruler's color can be set via preferences
- added tooltips for toolbar buttons
Feb 15, 2011
- support for actions' addition (by menu item or toolbar button)
- actions' addition dialog (with predicate and parameters combo boxes)
- support for actions' removal (by menu item or toolbar button)
- automatic enable/disable of add and remove buttons and menu items
- action info pane: background color of (un)satisfied preconditions
- plan verification thread mechanism improvement
Feb 8, 2011
- changing order of actions by drag&drop (with automatic alignment)
- updating plan based on user input - action order change by drag&drop
- automatic reverifications of modified plan
- ruler (showing action order) added
- added action/vertex width preference (with ruler automatic adjustment)
- init and goal actions made unmovable
- added font size preferences for graph's actions, edges, ruler, tooltips
Feb 4, 2011
- invalid action checks (regarding the planning domain/problem)
- plan summary textPane replaced by JList -> possible selection of actions
- Preferences <-> GUI communication code (API) improved
- enabled multiple errors/warnings simultaneously
- made FontSetter a separate program module
Feb 1, 2011
- the thesis update - usage instructions extended
- made PddlParser a separate program module
- setting font size via preferences (applies to all application windows)
- file choosers enhanced (current path set; default filter set)
- error/warning messages' code improvement (internal reorganization)
Jan 29, 2011
- actions placed in a row in strips plan, elbow-style and not overlapping edges
- application menu
- toolbar (with changing icons when mouse enters, leaves, clicks)
- load files dialog (with file choosers implementing file filters)
- error/warning pop-up dialog
- preferences dialog (saving user preferences into home dir)
- about dialog
- plan summary pane (on the left side)
- "full action information" pane
- "world state change" pane
- this application's homepage :-)
- status messages (with 5s timer)
- progress bar (when verifying plan)
Nov, 2010 (and earlier)
- not tracked