The thesis (latest): Visualization and Verification of Plans - thesis (.pdf)
- Last update: 05/26/2011 - 07:25:23 AM
- Last update: 11/21/2011 - 03:41:58 AM
Instructions - Initial download
- Download libraries (.zip file) and extract
- Download the program ('visplan.jar' file) to the previously extracted 'visplan/dist' directory
- Launch the program 'visplan.jar' (e.g. "java -jar visplan/dist/visplan.jar")
- See the thesis (.pdf file) for a detailed usage instructions
- Sample input "trios" - PDDL domain file, PDDL problem file and plan file - are bundled within .zip file
Instructions - Update
- Download the program ('visplan.jar' file) to the existing 'visplan/dist' directory
- Launch the program 'visplan.jar' (e.g. "java -jar visplan/dist/visplan.jar")