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The aim of this site is to provide news, updates and other information for the bachelor's thesis called Visualization and verification of plans. The thesis is being written by Radoslav Glinsky, under supervision of Doc. RNDr. Roman Bartak, Ph.D., at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles' University, Prague.

The thesis deals with visualization and verification of plans, particularly with finding and showing the causal relations between the actions, identifying possible flaws in the plan and visualizing them to the user. The thesis is accompanied by a software program which practically implements the verification and visualization solutions of the thesis. This program is written in Java programming language.

The latest version of the thesis: Visualization and Verification of Plans (.pdf)

The results of the thesis have also been presented on the KEPS workshop (Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling) organized within ICAPS 2011 conference (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling). The paper is available on-line at:
Glinský, R.; Barták, R. (2011). VisPlan - Interactive Visualisation and Verification of Plans, pp. 134-138 (.pdf)


The initial development of VisPlan was partially supported by project P103/10/1287 (GACR).

Úpravy grafického rozhraní VisPlanu pro účely studentských projektů a demonstrací na kurzu Plánování a rozvrhování byly podpořeny projektem CZ.2.17/3.1.00/33274 financovaným Evropským sociálním fondem a rozpočtem hlavního města Prahy.

Evropský sociální fond
Praha & EU: Investujeme do vaší budoucnosti